About Us
Well, where do we start? We could go all the way back to 1981, when a wide eyed boy was asked by his prep teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up. An Architect wasn’t the popular answer, but after eleven firemen and enough football players to field a team, it seemed only fair to be honest. That budding Architect had to then wait another 23 years to marry a girl who’s prep teacher probably received exactly the same answer.
8 years later, in 2012, Natalie and Simon Castle started Architest, a full service Architectural, Interior Design and Project Management firm with a twist.
The twist? It’s not being one of Melbourne’s most highly regarded architectural agencies, although we are. It’s not delivering amazing results for each and every one of our clients no matter what the budget, although we do.
Architest is the only firm in the country that can build a full sized physical model of your project before construction even begins. Sounds weird right? It’s not. You test drive a car. You try on clothes. We simply give you the chance to try out your house, and make sure it’s right, before building starts. It avoids variation costs and takes the anxiety out of the decision making process, and let’s face it, building anything is stressful. Just think about the last time you put something together from Ikea!
A full sized model is only one optional part of our process though. We are happy to hold your hand and guide you through every part of design, complex council applications, tendering out to builders and all the way through construction.
Our whole aim is to help you realise your vision and make sure that you feel right at home.